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Gayathri Publishers

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Gayathri Publishers is a non profit company in India. The company have published 8 Journals in print and online, and open access, They are covering vast research areas of biological Sciences, Chemical sciences and Medical Sciences. We have published quality of research articles and open source a lot of articles, to help in the young scholars, scientists and professors. All the free journals are Open Access Journals including Clinical, Medical, and Chemistry, Education, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences, Environmental, Engineering and Management journals. It can be associated with any academic or scientific databases for greater visibility of the published articles. This open access format is one of the important models of publishing which has been widely appreciated, supported than the traditional toll access journals.

Electronic journals,open access,Bio Science Journals,Applied Biology and Biotechnology,Botanical Report,Pteridological Research,International Journal of Biological Technology,International Journal of Applied Bioresearch,Nature of pharmaceutical Technology,Journal of Plant Tissue Culture,Chemical Sciences,Research Journal of Experimental Chemistry and Reports,Int. J. Organic Chemicals and Biological Sciences,Medical Sciences,Research Journal Medical Science and Reports,Physical Sciences,Journal of Physics and Nano Sciences,Engineering Technology,Research Journal of Engineering Technology