arts personal pages


Read aloud kota bharu

Read aloud kota bharu

A blog about reading aloud activities in kota bharu

"discover life"

Most of the secrets of our lives are known to us. we only need to refresh our knowledge that we have collected while struggling with adversities. come together to discover our lives afresh.

Butterflies and moths from sweden + alot more

Butterflies and moths from sweden + alot more

Butterflies, moths, other insects, mammals, travels, flowers.... and some other stuff...

Celebrity feet zone

Celebrity feet zone

Celebrity feet pictures, famous hollywood legs, toes and shoes

The boys that make our day

The boys that make our day

A blog about the bios of yaoi characters from manga and anime.

The movie i saw - film comment

It is about movies. i want to express about the films i saw and let others to comment.

Hollywood gossip

All about hollywood gossip

13th root

13th root

The 13th root from 200 digits